The Second of the Interest-Free Banking Standards Compliance Certification Training Starts!

Within the scope of the "Statement on Compliance with Interest-Free Banking Principles and Standards", the second of the Interest-Free Banking Standards Compliance Certification Training, which was implemented for the first time in Turkey with the cooperation of our Institute and TKBB, will be held between 23 September - 30 October 2021. The training, which aims to provide trained human resources in order to establish compliance with the principles and standards of interest-free banking in the participation finance sector, will last 6 weeks in total.

After the comprehensive training, which includes 16 training modules under the main headings of Participation Banking Theory and Philosophy, Standardization in Participation Banking, Participation Banking Products and Practices, Participation Banking Legislation and Compliance Management, the participants will take the exam and certificates will be delivered to those who are successful.




