Exam Guidelines



  1. 1.Candidates are required to bring the following documents to the exam:

   - A current Photo Exam Entrance Document printed from the application system.

   - A valid Photo Identification Document.


Photo Identification Document

For Turkish Citizens: A photo ID with a Turkish Republic ID number such as a national ID card, Republic of Turkey ID card, Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic ID card, driver's license with a Turkish ID number, valid passport, Blue/Pink Card for those who have renounced Turkish citizenship and their legal heirs, or a Temporary ID Card issued by the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs with a photo, signature, seal, and valid date.

For Foreign Nationals: A photo ID issued by relevant authorities such as a residence permit, temporary protection document, stateless person ID, migrant document, international protection applicant ID, international protection status holder ID, or work permit.


  1. 2.Candidates without their Exam Entrance Documents and Photo Identification Documents will not be allowed to enter the exam.


  1. 3.Master's exams will be conducted in a test format with a duration of 60 minutes. Doctoral exams, on the other hand, will be conducted in a classical written format.


  1. 4.Candidates should bring a soft lead pencil, an eraser, and a pencil sharpener with them to the exam.


  1. 5.Candidates must be present in the designated exam classrooms at least 15 minutes before the exam start time.


  1. 6.Candidates should check the posted name lists on the doors of the exam classrooms to confirm their designated exam rooms.


  1. 7.Candidates arriving more than 15 minutes after the exam start time will not be allowed to enter the exam.


  1. 8.Candidates are not allowed to leave the exam room within the first 30 minutes of the exam.


  1. 9.Exam question papers must be returned to the invigilator at the end of the exam. Candidates are prohibited from taking the question papers out of the exam room, copying the questions onto another paper, or taking photographs of the questions.


  1. 10.The use of mobile phones during the exam is prohibited. Candidates must keep their mobile phones completely turned off (not on silent, vibration, or airplane mode) and placed in a bag or pocket away from the desk. Any candidate found to be using a mobile phone in any manner or having their phone ring during the exam will have their exam invalidated.


  1. 11.Candidates are prohibited from talking to each other, cheating, or assisting others during the exam. Candidates found to be engaging in such behavior will have their exams invalidated.


  1. 12.No Exam Result Certificate will be issued to candidates whose exams are invalidated due to non-compliance with exam rules.

This page updated by İslam Ekonomisi ve Finansı Enstitüsü on 10.06.2024 17:07:00