The "Academic Consultation Meeting on Islamic Economics and Finance" was held under the auspices of our institute (MÜİSEF) and with the support of the Participation Banks Association of Turkey (TKBB). 29.03.2025
Webinar: Fatih's Istanbul; From Imitation of Rome Constantinople to Turkish Islamic City Istanbul (Turkish) 29.03.2025
Webinar: The Changing East, West, and Turkey in the Final Phase of the Economic Revolution (Turkish) 29.03.2025
Workshop on Participation Social Finance Products in Post-Disaster Economic Development (Turkish) 21.02.2024
8th INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC FINANCE CONFERENCE (IIFC2023) “Beyond Synergy: Role of Islamic Finance in Transforming Mergers and Acquisition” 29.03.2025
The Second of the Interest-Free Banking Standards Compliance Certification Training Starts! 29.03.2025